Saturday, October 4, 2008

Perspective in the Current Economic Situation

In 2008, the federal government of the United States of America appropriated just over $200 billion and (as of this writing) another $700 billion on parachutes for other financial companies, yet to be explicitly named. And these numbers are rounded down.

I have not forgotten about the AIG bailout. That was another $85 billion.

Including AIG, the federal government of the United States of America has appropriated over $985 billion to corporate bailouts in 2008.

How much money is that?

In 1990, the entire federal budget was $1.2 trillion. In 2008, the United States has appropriated almost the same amount of money as the entire federal budget of 1990.

As a percent of the current federal budget, it really isn't that much money, especially since the dollar isn't worth as much as it used to be. It's only $3250 for every man, woman, and child in America.

Is my math wrong? Someone double-check my work.

985,000,000,000 corporate bailout dollars

divided by

303,000,000 people living in the United States



Democratic voters should be dissappointed in themselves for believing their elected officials were actually sticking it to the man on their behalf.

Republican voters should be dissapointed in themselves for believing their elected officials were actually fiscal conservatives.

Greens and Libertarians need to 'I-Told-You-So' this whole thing for every last cent it's worth. This is when 3rd parties get footing on the cliff, while approval ratings of the democrats and republicans are at John Waters lows.

The punchline in this national tragedy is that Green candidate Cynthia McKinney and Libertarian Bob Barr are both former Georgia representatives who were rejected by their local constituents; one by the center-left and the former by the center-right; the first an antisemetic homo-habilus with an anger management issue, the latter a former Bible-thumping sociopath. And we all know the only thing worse than a Bible-thumping sociopath is a former Bible-thumping sociopath. If we can't agree on that, there is no hope left for this great nation.

1990 budget from Truth in Politics-

AIG Bailout from

Fannie/Freddie bailout-

US Population 2008-

Cynthia McKinney- Anti-Defamation League link

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